Matches the crowd with companies and provides
direct, two way,real time and accurate data
to monitor performance
Companies are unable to obtain real time and statistically validated information about the external performance metrics required
to monitor brand health and execution quality, and thus fail to meet market demand and cease operations.
Retail Audit
made easy with technology
Provides all 4 required conditions for accurate
management decisions
Even if every person is sharing a repetition of known truths, his/her personal opinion must be taken into account.
One person’s opinion should remain independent of those around them (and should not be influenced by anyone else) .
Anyone should be able to make their own opinion based on their individual and local knowledge.
There should be able a system to aggregate individual opinions into one collective decision.
Major advantages that Crowdvalid offers
x3 Speed
Real time reporting
Real time monitoring
Faster reaction time to market
Real time requests
Less number of meetings
Data precision
Validated by crowd
Statistically relevant
Live & Online
50% Saving
Cut research budgets
Save management time
Minimize paper costs
Optimize headcount
User functionality
Monthly subscription fees
First month is free to test
Book a demonstration!
Tel: +994 55 226 31 35